County approves continued tax rebate for low-income seniors and persons with a disability

WELLINGTON COUNTY – The county has approved a tax rebate for low-income seniors who are at least 65 years-old, as well as low-income persons who have a disability.

To qualify, seniors must be enrolled in the Guaranteed Income Supplement program, and disabled persons must be enrolled in the Ontario Disability Support Program.

County council approved minimum rebates of $400, with a limit of $500, in 2022, for those experiencing fluctuations in taxes owed because of property value assessments.

The rebate minimum was previously increased from $200 in 2020.

The average rebate last year was $397, according to a report from county treasurer Ken DeHart.

Year-over-year applications received fell by 24, from 202 in 2020 to 178 in 2021.

The top three municipalities with approved applications were Centre Wellington (52), Minto (30), and Wellington North (41).

Overall there were 171 seniors who qualified for the tax break, and seven persons with a disability, for a total of $70,552 in rebates.

DeHart notes in the report “the number of applications has almost tripled” since the program’s start, but added significant annual increases have been on a decline because of phased-in Current Value Assessments.

For more information and to download an application form, visit or visit a local municipal office, or the County of Wellington Administration Centre in Guelph. 

Applications are being accepted until Nov. 1.
