Councillors tear into county bylaw

Guelph-Eramosa councillor Doug Breen says there is no way council will be passing the anti-fortification bylaw proposed by the county’s Police Services Board.

“It’s fairly alarmist,” Breen said of the document. “I don’t know where they’re coming from on this at all.”

He told council that of the seven actions which constitute “excessive fortification” in the bylaw, he has personally done five or six himself in his em­ployment as a golf course superintendent.

“It seems like it was written by people who don’t often go outside,” Breen said with a laugh of the proposals. “How many property rights are we going to give up here?”

Councillor Reta Moyer said  the bylaw “looks like the first kick at the can.”

Mayor Chris White said the bylaw puts too much onus on municipal building officials. He suggested having someone from the Police Services Board or the county come to the township to explain the bylaw.

Council agreed and unanimously passed a resolution stating it will not adopt the bylaw until building officials’ concerns are resolved.

Councillor Roger Knapp was absent.

