Council endorses creation of county economic development committee

Town councillors  seemed more than willing to en­dorse the creation of a county economic de­velopment and tourism committee.

That is unlike councillors in Well­ington North Township, who wanted more information before making a decision.

Mapleton Township’s Chief Adminis­trative Officer Patty Sin­namon wrote to council asking for support of the idea.

“Over the past few years, there has been an interest ex­pressed by several lower tier chief administrative officers, and economic development officers to work together in creating and developing economic development strategies and tourism opportunities on a county-wide basis.”

Her letter indicated there is more potential to sustain existing jobs, business retention and expansion, and to recruit new businesses and industries by working together.

Minto quickly passed a resolution endorsing a request to work together on economic strategies and tourism opportunities on a county-wide basis.

Minto “recognizes the benefits of a regional approach to economic development and tourism promotion” and asked the county to endorse the creation of a committee.

Deputy-mayor Judy Dirk­sen said the committee would include the county’s warden, mayors of the seven lower tier municipalities – “assuming they all agree,” municipal staff including CAOs and EDOs, the Wellington County Museum and Archives, county staff and Communities Futures staff from the Waterloo-Wellington and Saugeen corporations.

Minto’s resolution stated it supports the terms of reference – in principle.

Mayor David Anderson offered council background from a meeting he attended with economic development officer Belinda Wick-Graham, Treasurer Gord Duff and Clerk Marsha Paley along with representation from  the county.

“One of the things that has initiated this regional tourism economic development committee is that there has been a lot of funding and grants through the Futures program and federal-provincial partnerships,” Anderson said.

He said municipalities can submit applications for tour­ism, heritage and economic development.

“Money is being allocated … but only to upper tier levels of government.”

He explained lower-tier levels of government do not have access to that funding.

“Eastern Ontario has been very successful in getting $10-million.” He said through the Eastern Warden’s Association, they have developed tourism committee and funnelled that mon­ey to help with businesses and develop tourism there.

“Southwestern Ontario has sort of been a little bit behind the 8-ball.” He added the way it was explained at the meeting, because of economies of scale, the area, as a whole, has had a lot of industry and tourism. As a result of the recession, that changed.

“The money is still there, but in order to access it, it has to be done through an upper tier level of government.”

Anderson anticipates that once the committee is established, the mayors would step back, but there would still be municipal representation.

Anderson added Wick-Gra­ham is also in support.

Councillor Wayne Martin said from a heritage standpoint, “Heritage is creating a new life for itself within Minto. Over the past two years, it’s became quite evident to me that we are missing out on grants for heritage. A lot of it is because Minto did not have the formal identity [that an upper tier government has]. So I guess I’m supporting this.”

Councillor Dave Turton also believes it is a good move.

He suggested Minto thank whoever came up with the idea.

Anderson said he believes the original idea came as a result of the amount of money allocated to Eastern Ontario.

“One of the examples presented during the meeting was the Summer Sizzle in Pal­mer­ston. There were people staying at bed and breakfasts in Centre Wellington. So when an event comes into an area, more than that area benefits. That’s the idea of looking at it from a broader perspective than just individual municipalities.”

“It’s also driven by the all-mighty dollar.”

Councillor Rick Hembley suggested some of this initiative came through Wick-Graham. “Kudos to Belinda.”

Anderson said Warden Joanne Ross Zuj was another play­er in the proposal.

Hembley, who serves on Minto’s economic development committee added, “I think we’ve been ahead of most communities in Wellington County on economic development. Now they’re hopping on board.”

Anderson noted there are only two municipalities with full time economic development officers, while Wellington North has a part-time economic development officer and a part-time tourism officer.


