Council approves partial demolition of Walser ruins

ELORA – Elora South Inc. can proceed with its plan to demolish parts of the Walser ruins in its plan to restore the building and make it a retail store and restaurant.

The ruins, located on Ross Street in the development area south of the Grand River in Elora, were once a bustling factory and are part of the Little Folks Area. They are also on the municipal Heritage Registry.

Elora South Inc. is well into redevelopment of the area with the old Potter’s Foundry ruins relocated and rebuilt and two condominium buildings are currently under construction.

The former Little Folks factory has been restored and now acts as an administrative office. The Walser ruins are the last remaining heritage structure on the property to be incorporated into the redevelopment project.

According to a report by Steven Burgess Architects presented at the Aug. 22 Centre Wellington council meeting, the scope of work includes removing the non-heritage brick building adjacent to the chimney and a concrete/brick wall. The chimney structure is to remain and any heritage stone that’s removed will be re-incorporated into the restored building.

A heritage impact study indicates that as the building will be the same size and height when completed, there is no impact on surrounding heritage buildings.

Currently the building is in poor condition with no roof and crumbling walls either shored up or fenced off for safety reasons.

Elora South Inc. wants to get going on the demolition so it will be ready for construction and repointing the stone in the spring.

Heritage Centre Wellington had no objections to the partial demolition and in the end, neither did Centre Wellington council as it unanimously approved the plan.