Construction activity has been growing here – and it appears to have exploded in May.
Chief building official David Kopp’s June 12 report showed the estimated value of construction this May was about double what it was in the same month in 2011.
Kopp’s department issued 44 building permits this May with a total estimated construction value of $4.45 million.
There were four new homes with an estimated value of $1.22 million, and another six additions and renovations to single family dwellings, for an estimated value of $604,000. There were another 11 accessory permits issued for single family dwellings, which equalled the total for the first four months of this year. The estimated May value of construction for that category was $170,000.
The largest number of permits was for agricultural construction. There were 13 permits, bringing the year’s total to 56. That provided another $1.79 million worth of estimated construction value.
To date this year, Mapleton has had an estimated $14.3 million in estimated construction value, which tops last year for the same period. In 2011 the first five months of the year had estimated construction value of $13.7 million.
All that 2012 activity means the building department collected $33,274 in permit fees in May, bringing the year’s total permit fees to $119,130. In the first five months of 2011, the township collected $21,600 in permit fees in May, bringing that year’s first five months to $115,775 in permit fees.
Councillors received the report, with one comment.
Mayor Bruce Whale said, “We continue to have a fairly busy schedule in the building department.”