CMHA WW donates 250 mask cases to local organizations on World Suicide Prevention Day

GUELPH – Masks of Kindness, a CMHA WW-led initiative, donated 250 facemask cases to local organizations on World Suicide Prevention Day, Sept. 10.

The project intends to increase facemask hygiene and help increase awareness of local mental health services available to those in our communities who are among the most vulnerable.

As part of the project, CMHA WW (Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Wellington) partnered with local organizations to run a design contest.

Asking “What does mental health for all mean to you?”, service recipients created designs for a mask case that were then voted on by CMHA WW staff.

The winning design is being printed on the mask cases, which will be donated to community partners to distribute to people accessing services.

The theme of this year’s World Suicide Prevention day was “Creating hope through action.”

The Masks of Kindness initiative promotes kindness through action with the community donation.