Christmas plant care topic at horticultural society meeting

HARRISTON – The Harriston and District Horticultural Society got together at the Train Station on Nov. 27 to enjoy a potluck, conduct its annual meeting and give out awards.

The station was festively decorated and the many poinsettias that brightened the room were given away at the end of the meeting.

Special speaker Lina Calvert from North Wellington Co-op  showed the group how to care for Christmas plants and get them to bloom again next year.

District 7 director Kathy Bouma installed the society’s 2020 officers: president Jean Anderson, past president Sue Bridge, secretary Willa Wick, treasurer Joanna Steckle, and directors Dorelene Anderson, Alice Douglas, Margaret Weber, Brenda Ortman, Linda Campbell, Lorna Collins, Lynn Collins, Marilyn Stemmler, Mary Anne Connell and new director Victoria Kingsley.

Alice Douglas presented the awards for the year.

Dorelene Anderson received the Rhoda Cameron Award for the Best Design at the May flower show. Sally Andrade received the Mildred Newman Memorial Award for Best Design at the August show.

Linda Campbell earned the Golden Trowel Award for most points for the year, and Brenda Ortman the Silver Trowel for second most points in all the flower shows.

Photos from the society’s photography competition were on display and the group thanks Rosie Krul from the Harriston Library, who set up a display with many books on a gardening theme.

The society’s next event will be a soup and sandwich luncheon on Jan. 16 at the Harriston United Church.
