Centre Wellington Business Directory now available

The Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce and the Township of Centre Wellington are pleased to announce the release of the new Community Business Directory.

The directory includes community information and contacts as well as tab categories highlighting various business types with useful information, maps of Centre Wellington, and a new category index.

This project was made possible through a Job Creation Partnership grant from the Ministry of Colleges, Training and Universities.  The Chamber and the Township worked co-operatively on the project to ensure the best use of time and materials.  The Chamber would like to thank all businesses who participated and provided their current and accurate information for the new directory.

Chamber of Commerce President Michael Weinstein notes that “the directory is a valuable resource when it comes to readily identifying local suppliers for a wide range of goods and services.  It’s a great handbook for shopping locally.”

Business Directories have been hand delivered to the main business and industrial areas. Any local business listed that has not yet received a directory can pick up a copy at the Chamber of Commerce Office, 400 Tower Street South in Fergus.  Additional directories are available for purchase for $20 (incl. HST).

For more information on what the Chamber can do for your business, please e-mail Heather Andrews, at membership@cwchamber.ca or call 519-843-5140.  You can also check out our website at www.cwchamber.ca.


