Blessings to You Centre presents $2000 cheque to Harriston Skating Club

The Harriston Skating Club is a volunteer run, not-for-profit organization that relies on fundraising and sponsorships from the community to offset the costs of ice, coaching and other expenses.

The Blessings to You Centre recently presented a cheque for $2,000 to the club. “Providing an enjoyable environment, on and off the ice, for the skaters’ personal development is a high priority for the Club, and one which The Blessings To You Centre feels strongly about supporting,” Blessings officials state.

“With the expansion from one to two Blessings Thrift and Gift stores on Main Street, Palmerston, Blessings is grateful for all the community donations and the enlarged volunteer crews.” The organization’s donation depot is now located beside The Prescription Shoppe.