Arboretum is offering three spring bird workshops

Want-to-be bird watcher, but don’t know where to begin?

The Arboretum, University of Guelph is offering a one-day workshop April 29 from 9am to 4pm, covering topics from iden­tifying birds to choos­ing and using binoculars. The ses­sion will cover basic orni­thol­ogy by studying anatomy, breeding biology, classifica­tion, and habitat requirements. Over lunch, participants will watch Arboretum birds and study their behaviour so they should bring a lunch, and a bird book and binoculars (if pos­sible).

To register or for more in­for­mation call The Arboretum at 824-4120 extension 52358.  The cost of the workshop is $50 per person and the regis­tration deadline is April 15.

Warblers workshops

The Arboretum is offering a workshop featuring one of spring’s earliest migrants, the confusing family of warblers, on April 17 from 9am to 4pm.  Participants will learn about the plumage, song, and behaviour of warblers in addition to habitat requirements and tim­ing of migration through a wide variety of hands-on activities.

On the morning of May 9, participants will take part in a guided hike through The Arboretum’s different habitats to look for warblers and other spring migrants.  

The workshop fee is $70 and the registration deadline is April 3. For more information or to register call The Arboretum at 519-824-4120 extension 52358.

The Arboretum, University of Guelph is offering a workshop that covers 15 less com­monly seen southern On­tario warblers that are not covered in the Level I Warbler Workshop.  The Warbler Level II workshop is on April 24, from 9am to 4pm and is taught by naturalist Chris Earley.

Participants will receive a descriptive tape of warbler songs and an information book­let. Keeners can take both warb­ler courses to cover all of Ontario’s breeding species.

The workshop fee is $50 and the registration deadline is April 9. For more information or to register for either course call The Arboretum at 824-4120 extension 52358.

