Archived Letter – 1217

RE: Town accepts voluntary contribution from Nestle: some in audience outraged- Apr. 21
Dear Editor:
I congratulate the Erin council for accepting, or, more accurately, re-instating the Nestle Waters voluntary levy.
Mayor Alls is correct. The outraged, Just Say NO climate lobby is perpetually soaked in emotion while devoid of facts.
By contrast, Dr. Simard’s review was based on both historical and technical facts while, thankfully, devoid of emotion.
Personally, I rarely use bottled water as our tap water is clean and will continue to be plentiful. I DO keep a large supply of bottled water in our cold cellar.
My advice to the climate lobby is simple. If you don’t agree with bottled water, don’t buy it.
Doreen Henschel
Rockwood ON

Doreen Henschel