Council sees light – solar consideration

Councillors here are ready to consider pilot projects to harness solar energy for local buildings.

On July 8, following a recommendation by its environmental management com­mit­tee, councilpassed a mo­tion to investigate the installation of solar power panels and related structures, the terms of an agreement, and three possible pilot sites at the Clifford and Palmerston sewage treatment  plants and the town office.

The environment committee had heard a presentation by KW Power Logic’s Bill King.

He gave the committee a presentation, Solar Power for Communities. It highlighted the benefits according to the Green Energy Act, and outlined what they are for the community.

He explained the styles of panels, and how solar attachments could be placed. The company wants to form partnership with investors and the local municipality and is proposing three pilot sites.

The tender process for the project was also discussed.

Treasurer Gord Duff said Minto would need to consider several things in a draft contract: benefits to the municipality, escape clauses, insurance, liabilities and legalities.

Mayor David Anderson said he believes there was a local resident involved in the same type of business, and there may be a chance for that person to make a presentation to the committee or council.

A motion to consider the recommendation passed quickly. Council’s means it is going to consider the aspects of the project.


