New electronic sign raises awareness for EWCS

Thanks to the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Santa has arrived with a new electronic sign for the East Wellington Community Services (EWCS) office at 45 Main Street in Erin.

EWCS has operated for over 30 years, but officials say people still ask “Who are you?” “What do you do?” or “I didn’t know these services were available in our own community.”  

In order to increase awareness of the programs and services offered by EWCS, an application was made for a Trillium grant to develop a new marketing strategy and to update communication tools.

The grant allowed EWCS to work with a company to design agency and program brochures and to re-design/update its logo and website ( The site is now mobile friendly with font size that can be changed to make it easier to read.

The remainder of the funding allowed EWCS to purchase and install an electronic sign three weeks ago.

“People who didn’t even know EWCS existed have called and asked for more information about what we do,” stated an EWCS press release. “Those who do know us have commented that the sign is a great tool …”   

EWCS officials wished to thank the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the community for its ongoing support.

