Local boy, 8, spots dangerous plant at park

A local boy identified a potentially threatening plant at John Jolliffe Park here.

On Aug. 28 Frank Marsh emailed Guelph-Eramosa Township to tell staff that his 8-year-old son, Cameron, identified a poisonous plant with cardiogenic toxins called the “dolls-eye” or actaea pachypoda at John Jolliffe Park.

It was on a path in the woods behind the park where Marsh said a lot of children play.

The township has since replied to Marsh’s email saying the plant has been removed.

“I am very proud of my 8-year-old son for identifying this potential threat and having it removed by the town,” Marsh wrote in an email to the Advertiser. “He has read many books on the deadliest bugs, fish, animals, plants etc.

“It was a YouTube video he watched on deadly plants that had highlighted this plant.”

