Bad lab experience

Dear Editor:

I am writing to the lab “technician” who injured and traumatized my daughter on Feb. 10.

You had no right to yell at a 9-year-old because you had trouble “finding” a vein. If you were not pleased that a little girl is “making a fist” (as she was instructed to do on a previous visit) you should have given clear instructions, as well as understanding that blood work is not pleasant for anyone, especially children.

My daughter did not come into your establishment crying or screaming or showing attitude of any kind. Your unkind demeanour to her and your co-workers (who attempted to assist) has been bothering this poor little girl for two days and her arm still hurts from the repeated (and improperly conducted) attempts to obtain a sample.

I hope that nobody else, not even your great-grandchildren, will ever have to endure such a terrible experience during what should be a routine medical procedure. It is also inappropriate and unprofessional to make comments about a person’s skin colour.

Rob Zelch,