Elora Mill project update

Work continues on the Elora Mill buildings north of the Grand River.

Information from the Downtown Elora Construction Newsletter states the granary building will have a second floor by early August.

The roof is currently scheduled for late August.

The exterior finishing should commence about the same time as the roof and this will extend into late September.

The exterior masonry work on the mill will continue until early August while additions to the roof levels are scheduled to be completed by late August.

The expectation is that the exterior work will be totally complete and scaffolding removed from the building in early September.

The cottages were to have their roofing complete by the end of July. Window installation and exterior masonry will be starting shortly and is scheduled to be completed by mid-August.

The spa’s roof is installed and the masonry veneer has commenced.

Pearle Hospitality hopes to have masons complete the easternmost wall by early August and then pool construction will commence.
