My husband, the Carpenter, is the great love of my life. I adore him. But sometimes, I don’t…
Lower oil prices
According to Greek mythology, the one characteristic the gods resented was hubris, self-pride.…
Fronch porch thoughs
The query that surfaces frequent, I don’t question why who…
The consensus view
The widespread, conventional view about the course of short-term comfort is that all is well…
How chip dip saved my life
I had my credit card in my hand and the cursor hovered over the words “checkout.” All I…
Canada 2015
From a far-western reader come comments quite frequently, and with the federal election cresting…
The biggest worry
It is difficult to determine the biggest threat to our economy at this time. There are so…
So, I have been giving this whole gratitude thing a lot of thought as we head into another…
Never too old
Hey! Hey! Hey! You’re not going to believe this, but you are never too old to learn. I got…
It should be obvious that a company’s relationship with its employees must be a vital…
For years, I have stood alone on my soapbox and insisted that Canadian politics is not boring. It…
Generation gap
This past summer, I had some long-time friends drop in to see me. Their intention was to pick up a…
Think twice
A widespread criticism of current economic trends is the growing disparity between those earning…
Sweet sixteen
This Friday is our 16th wedding anniversary, and as I write this, the Carpenter and I have made no…
Fall colours
Not often this late in the season do you get the opportunity of soaking up the sunshine while…