There are few television spectacles I love as much as the Academy Awards, but it is not for the…
My roadkill hat
Not too many of my readers will know the history of my ever-present signature visor. The story is…
Arthurs Arlington Hotel building a victim of fire in 1932
All the villages and towns of Wellington County have suffered the loss of 19th century main street…
Belief in huge inheritance is a pipe dream
Recent articles in the press stated that retails sales for luxury goods are booming. Apparently,…
Viewing pleasure
Stop the world, the inevitable has happened. Can I get a witness? I have achieved the unthinkable:…
Frank is a new avian friend of mine. There is no other way of expressing Frank’s disposition…
Arthurs Commercial Hotel burned down in 1970
Last week’s column described the fire that destroyed one of Arthur’s landmarks–…
Occupy whatever: Movement has plenty of flaws
One of the most bizarre trends at the present time is the Occupy Wall Street movement. There has…
Despite my gentle nature, I like sports rough. Judge me if you will, but I always have. Within the…
Bowstring bridges
Just a few short weeks ago, my son and I, while poking around the back streets of a small country…
Pension Reform Continuing
Recently, many of you have voiced your concerns regarding Canada’s system of income for…
Erin minister charged with sedition in 1917
The Disciples of Christ is the name of a religious denomination that is not well known to most…
Governments trying to do exactly wrong thing for recovery
Financial markets continue to applaud the various steps that have been taken, ostensibly to counter…
White noise
Enough already. Cold and flu season be gone. I’m soooo done with you. I am not complaining. I…
Seed catalogues
There was a time in my life when I longingly awaited the seed catalogues to arrive at my door. By…