Wellington North updated by three authorities

When it comes to dealing with local conservation authorities, Wellington North has its hands full.

The township is in a relatively unusual position of dealing with, and having representation on three local conservations authorities coveriing the Grand River Maitland Valley and Saugeen Valley watersheds.

On April 27 councillors here had all three at their meeting to provide updates on local activities.

Presentations were made by Wellington North’s GRCA representative Pat Salter, chair Jane Mitchell,  CAO Joe Farwell, and  CAO/Secretary-Treasurer Keith Murch.

Salter introduced the group as Farwell outlined the strategic plan objectives, watershed issues, water management plan, GRCA landholdings, natural areas and recreation, rural water quality program, wastewater plant operation, drinking water protection, 2015 budget, 2015 budget expenditures, general municipal levy for 2015, and GRCA per capita levy.

Wellington North’s MVCA representative Dave Turton said the presentation outline would include background, service area priorities and financial challenges.

MVCA general manager/secretary-treasurer Phil Beard addressed the budget and work plan summary for 2015-2017.

Beard outlined efforts to strengthen flood and erosion control in the watershed, effects of changes in climate, emergency planning, watershed stewardship services, rural storm water management, clean water projects, conservation areas, proposals to lease campgrounds, reducing maintenance costs.

Unique position

SVCA general manager/secretary-treasurer Wayne Brohman, was introduced by councillor Steve McCabe (Wellington North’s SVCA representative).

Brohman presented an overview of the SVCA budget, water quality, Forestry, water management, flood warning, communications, conservation education, stewardship and additional services.

During discussion later in the meetiing, Wellington North CAO Mike Givens noted the township’s location at the head of three watersheds puts it in a unique position.
