Warden: county “making progress” with its fortification bylaw

Warden Joanne Ross-Zuj told county council on Oct. 29 that officials are proceeding with the anti-fortification bylaw.

The county has been work­ing on a bylaw that would pre­vent outlaw motorcycle gangs from fortifying their club­hou­ses, but the Police Services Board has run into concerns from building officials who fear­ed they might have to en­force that bylaw on their own.

Police have assured them that will not be the case, and they are working together to com­plete a final draft of a bylaw for consideration.

“We’re making progress with having that addressed,” Ross-Zuj told council.

County OPP Inspector Scott Smith told the board that he is scheduled to make presen­ta­tions about the bylaw to Guelph-Eramosa council in December.

Smith will respond to a request from Wellington North Township council to consider a county-wide sidewalk bylaw prohibiting skateboards and bicycles. That council is being asked to make a formal pres­entation to the Police Services Board to discuss that bylaw.


