Lights out on township’s hydro utility sale

While it might be lights out on more talks about the sale of Well­ington North Power, the door did not completely close to other options.

In June, council passed a resolution to continue investigation of the possibility of a sale of the local electrical utility – in consultation with the Township of Southgate and Wellington North Power staff.

Southgate is a minor stakeholder in the utility, which serves the community of Hol­stein.

On Monday night, councillors stated the investigation has now been completed and as a result of that work, a new resolution was considered to “discontinue any further discussion with respect to the sale of its investment in Wellington North Power.”

Mayor Mike Broomhead said it was interesting this particular resolution was be­fore council when he saw in a coming finance committee agenda there was to be a presentation by another utility with regards to an offer.

Councillor Ross Chaulk, who chairs that committee, stated he believed that presentation was in regards to a po­tential merger – not a sale.

Council subsequently pass­ed its resolution to end discussions on a possible sale of the utility.

