Group perseveres for park kitchen

After being turn­ed down for one grant, two women from Elora have per­severed with their project to have wood ovens for baking in Bissell Park here.

Staci Baron and Dr. Trish Van Katwyk came to the com­mittee of the whole meeting of council on Monday to share their progress and to obtain a use of grounds agreement be­tween Kitchen in the Park and the township.

Their plan projects $26,667 for its first phase. In the second phase, it shows a one time cost for water services at $30,000, and $10,000 for hydro.  The sec­ond phase has a framed roof support and build­ing mat­erials.

The second phase total cost is estimated at $66,281. They had hoped for a grant from the Wat­erloo Wellington Futures De­vel­opment Corpora­tion, but that did not come through.

Baron told the committee they have been busy fund­rais­ing. Selling refrigerator mag­nets and soliciting donations has raised $8,200 to date. They now have a web site and a Facebook page and are plan­ning to attend various trade shows to promote their plan to sell freshly baked goods at the park. The business would be not-for-profit and be operated by volunteers.

Among the donors to the project to date are the Elora Lions Club, which is heavily involved in Bissell Park, which gave $5,000, and Elora lawyer John Morris, who donated $500. Baron said she is hoping to obtain $10,000 in value from Rona Elora for lumber for a kiosk, and a kitchen store is providing discounts. There are also plans for an artist to do a concert to launch a CD.

Recreation Director Andy Goldie told council that the group is seeking a conditional 5 year lease to use the park grounds for selling baked goods.

Council approved the prep­aration of the use of grounds agreement.

