Fibre optic discussions

Wellington County councillor Mark MacKenzie wants to be sure Minto keeps up in the world of fibre optics – but chances are Minto is doing better than many rural areas.

When MacKenzie was at council last week, he asked for Minto’s support of the rural broadband application made by Wellington County to improve fibre optic access throughout the county.

The project creates a one-third partnership with local municipalities, Wellington Coun­­ty and  services providers.

He said the next application is February 2009.

“I don’t want to see Minto at the bottom of the list,” MacKenzie said.

He said Minto is in the perfect position to take advantage of the program.

However, Treasurer Gord Duff offered a different perspective on the issue.

As home of Wightman Communications, he said he suspects that Minto is better off than many rural areas when it comes to communication and fibre optic access. However, he agreed such access is important in attracting business to the community.

