FLORADALE 8 MISSIONARY 1 Floradale took control in the first period and never looked back. They…
Nobles win at euchre
PALMERSTON - Leonard Noble and Ron Noble placed first at the Palmerston Legion Ladies Auxiliary Challenge Euchre on Dec. 2.
Minto Juveniles win Regional Silver Stick tournament
Silver Stick champions – The Minto Juveniles won the Regional Silver Stick tournament in…
New game and toy store opens in Harriston
Fun store - Kidding Around Game and Toy store opened on Nov. 16.
UGDSB continues to make waves in accessibility work
GUELPH – The Upper Grand District School Board has been making many changes when it comes to accessible education.
UGDSB kindergarten registration begins Jan. 7
GUELPH – Upper Grand District School Board kindergarten registration will take place Jan. 7 to 17.
OSSTF members from Centre Wellington District High School took part in one-day strike
Strike action - OSSTF members held a one-day strike across Ontario on Dec. 4.
Late Night Sip and Shop made Fergus a festive shopping experience
Festive night - Downtown Fergus took on a festive feel on Dec. 6 for the annual tree lighting and Late Night Sip and Shop.
A Very Charlie Brown Concert back at GYMC
GUELPH – Returning for another holiday season, A Very Charlie Brown Concert is taking place at the Guelph Youth Music Centre (GYMC) on Dec. 20 at 7:30pm.
Blue Christmas brought the music of Elvis to Fergus
The king – An Elvis Presley impersonator came to centre stage at the Fergus Grand Theatre on…
New March Break Broadway youth camp applications due
CAMBRIDGE – Drayton Entertainment is launching a new training program during March Break – March Break Broadway Boot Camp.
The Led Zeppelin Experience rocked Fergus Grand Theatre
Tribute band – ZED – The Led Zeppelin Experience performed at the Fergus Grand Theatre…
Children’s Foundation helps community
GUELPH - The Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington’s Double Double Challenge will let residents double their positive impact on area families.
Guelph Family Martial Arts team travelled to WAKO provincial championships
Winners – The Guelph Family Martial Arts competition team travelled to the WAKO provincial…
Phoenix Performance Center athletes competed at WAKO provincials
Two members from Phoenix Performance Center in Mount Forest competed in the WAKO…