Advice for grocery shopping during pandemic

DRAYTON – Once upon a time, the best grocery shopping advice included tips on budgeting, making a meal plan and then a grocery list, and not shopping while hungry.

With COVID-19, grocery shopping has become a minefield to get through and then home, says Helen Edwards, Seniors’ Health Services Coordinator at the Seniors Centre for Excellence, which serves seniors in north and Centre Wellington.

“We have found that many seniors look at grocery shopping as a daily outing,” Edwards said in an interview.

“Now we are advising anyone over 70 not to do their own shopping.

“Seniors are at the highest risk of poor outcomes if they get COVID-19. We want to protect them, store employees, and other shoppers.”

Edwards said her organization is working with the Waterloo Wellington Older Adult Strategy and have compiled this list for shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Do not go to the grocery store:

– if you are over 70 years old. Ask a neighbour, ask your family or call the seniors’ centre for excellence for help.

– if you are ill or living with someone who is ill.

– if you have recently travelled outside the province.

– if you have a weakened immune system or chronic health condition.

Before you go to the grocery store:

– choose one person to be the shopper.

– many stores have one-way aisles now, so make a list in the order you will find the items as you go through the store.

– buy enough food to last at least a week.

– find out when the least busy hours are and do your shopping then. In many stores, the seniors-only hour is the busiest.

– bring your own wipes and hand sanitizer.

At the grocery store:

– wipe the grocery cart handle before you get started.

– wear a cotton mask or scarf over your nose and mouth; save the medical grade masks for health professionals.

– hang on to the cart with both hands to avoid touching your face.

– follow one-way arrows if your store has them to avoid passing other shoppers too closely.

– practice social distancing. Stay six feet away from other shoppers. Wait if someone is ahead of you. And don’t stop and chat with people in the aisles.

– avoid paying with cash; use debit or credit card instead.

– wipe your hands with hand sanitizer when you leave the store and wash with soap and water when you get home.

For assistance with grocery shopping or other needs, call the Seniors’ Centre for Excellence at 519-638-1000 or 1-866-446-4546.
