Township to replace shop razed by fire

Mapleton Township has called for design proposals for a new municipal maintenance facility to replace a previous shop razed by fire in December.

Mapleton council approved a draft request for proposals prepared by staff at the Sept. 9 meeting.

Although the township is awaiting a decision from Wellington County council on a proposal to also locate a new county works garage at the Mapleton administration centre property on Sideroad 16, the report indicates, “it is felt prudent to begin the process of retaining a consultant to complete the design of the building replacement, to ensure that the timeline for construction and completion is maintained.”

Public works director Brad McRoberts told council the proposal to move the county works operation, currently housed on John Street in Drayton, to the administration centre property was endorsed earlier that day at a meeting of the Wellington County roads committee.

Roberts said county council is expected to deal with the proposal later in the month.

The request for proposal for the Mapleton facility was issued on Sept. 19, with a closing date of Oct. 31.

The bids will be evaluated by the CAO, director of public works, director of financial services and operations manager.
