Southeast Surge rep hockey to start in Harriston this April

MINTO – Harriston arena staff are prepared to keep ice installed during the spring season to accommodate a new hockey association, the Southeast Surge. 

Rep ‘A’ and ‘B’ minor hockey is set to be introduced to north Wellington and surrounding areas under the Western Athletic Ontario Association (WOAA) for the 2025/26 season. 

The association decided last August to take the existing 24 WOAA member associations and create six different zones. 

Minto is among the largest in zone 6, along with the following minor hockey associations;

  • Drayton;
  • Howick;
  • Listowel;
  • Mount Forest;
  • Wallace; and
  • Central Perth.

Any child from Minto can try out for the rep A team and if not successful can try out for the B team or play for the Minto Minor Hockey Association recreational league.

According to Minto councillor Geoff Gunson this was WOAA’s resolution to “keep kids in hockey.” 

“Minto is always going to have a minor hockey program, it’ll just be local league or house league; it won’t be rep hockey anymore,” added Gunson.

The Surge zone is being presented as a two-year pilot program and will have A teams at all major and minor levels, beginning at U10. 

The teams will be made up of 15 skaters and two goalies, stated Gunson, who is acting as chair of the new association.

Tryouts are scheduled to take place in April and May at the Harriston arena. 

New fees

Because the arena is extending the ice season, new fees were discussed during a Jan. 7 Minto council meeting. 

New spring ice rates were recommended by staff: a prime rate of $200 per hour and a non-prime (weekday ice times before 4pm) rate of $100 per hour. 

“[The rates] are currently higher than our current rates of $170 and $80 that cover the winter months,” town director of community services Matthew Lubbers told council.

“This will offset the increased hydro expenses that we will be incurring.” 

The Jan. 7 council report states staff will monitor revenues and expenses incurred from prolonging the season and they will be reviewed on an annual basis. 

Mayor Dave Turton questioned whether approving the recommendation would bind the Harriston arena for the two-year term, but was reassured that council may decline the prolonged season next year. 

The approved spring ice rates will be in effect as of April 7. 
