Soloman questions Morriston streetscape plans

Sandra Solomon is questioning the money and focus of the proposed Morriston streetscape project.

In a letter to council, Soloman stated that she was impressed with what the consulting landscape architect had managed to do given the constraints he had to work with.

However her questions were directed to council rather than the consultant.

Solomon stated that if the intent is “to improve the visual aspects of Morriston then it will certainly succeed, provided it is approved by MTO.”

However, no landscaping can happen in the centre of the village which means other types of improvements would need to be considered.

Soloman stated, “If, as has been talked about, this project is to calm traffic passing through Morriston, it is unlikely to make any difference,” she said.

“It has been tried, without success and at a great deal of expense, in other areas. The traffic, due to volume, generally moves slowly during the day; the speeding usually only occurs at night, when visual aids will be of no use.”

She added “$100,000 of taxpayers’ money is a lot to spend on a questionable project.”

Solomon said, “Instead of focusing on this project, it would make more sense to devote time, energy and money to get the bypass moving along. Once the traffic is removed from Morriston, the beautification project can probably be done in a different manner and at less cost.”

“As a taxpayer, I would rather see $4,000 going towards a long-term solution than $37,000 (the amount allocated for this year for the Morriston project) towards a band-aid solution that may not work.”

The letter was received  without comment.
