DRAYTON – During December Edge Mutual Insurance Company staff donated food, toys and support to various initiatives.
Recipients included:
- Maryborough Public School, $1,250;
- Palmerston Public School, $1,250;
- Drayton Heights Public School, $2,500;
- Harriston Community Food Bank, $5,000;
- Drayton Food Bank, $15,000; and
- Palmerston Community Food Bank, $5,000.
Last year was the staff’s first time giving back to the snack programs.
“We know that kids are going to school hungry and that’s why these programs got started and we wanted to help,” company president and CEO Carlos Rodrigues told the Advertiser.
Over the years the company has been involved with several charitable initiatives and community projects, as well as sponsoring families during the holiday season.
Supporting families during Christmas
Edge Mutual has been partnering with the Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington’s Adopt-a-Family program long before Rodrigues joined in 2017.
In the earlier days the company would sponsor one family, but as staff increased, so too did the donations, explained Rodrigues.
This Christmas five families received gifts and cash donations from Edge Mutual. The program connects families who need support with donors. Officials share brief descriptions of the assigned family with donors, ensuring appropriate gifts are bought. Teddy bears, Barbie dolls, board games, and children’s clothing were among some of the purchased items.
According to Adopt-a-Family officials, over 1,600 families received gifts, grocery cards and essential items this past Christmas.
“We will continue to support all of these organizations every year,” said Rodrigues.
Drayton Community Food Bank
Drayton Food Bank administrator Lauren DeVries was surprised when she heard of the $15,000 donation.
“That is a lot of money that can do a lot of good,” she said.
Relief set upon her as she realized more individuals could be supported through the additional funds.
“It was right in the hustle and bustle of trying to get Christmas together and we just kept getting more and more Christmas hampers … we did almost double the amount of Christmas hampers this year,” she added.
Every year the food bank creates Christmas hampers filled with all the items needed to have a “good Christmas dinner.”
Fifty-nine households were supported during the holiday season, totaling over 150 children and 150 adults.
“When you get a big donation like that it’s like ‘okay, we got this’ … it was really great,” DeVries said.
The funds go directly to purchasing all the fresh and non-perishable items needed to service the community.
“We are very thankful for the generosity of Edge and other companies and individuals … every dollar helps,” she said.