Early survey returns positive: Linton

Preliminary results from an online survey suggest Centre Wellington residents are generally satisfied with many aspects of their community.

Prior to budget discussions on Jan. 20, Mayor Kelly Linton  commented on early results from the survey.

In early January, Linton and Centre Wellington Township announced the creation of an online survey to gather public opinion on various issues within the municipality. The results will be used during the township’s strategic planning process.

Linton said, “It is important to hear back on the questions being asked.”

As of Jan. 20, 341 responses were received by the municipality – and Linton noted the survey would remain online for another few weeks.

“At the end of that time, there will be a full report,” he said, adding the questionnaire focused on some pretty basic questions and provided a different means for residents to provide feedback to the township.

As to the quality of life in the township, Linton said 37% said it is excellent, 55% believed it is good, 8% said fair and only two respondents believed the quality of life was poor.

“Over all that is not surprising. People think we live in a great community, ” said Linton.

The next question asked how satisfied how residents were with municipal services, with the results being: very satisfied 24%, satisfied 65% and not satisfied 12%.

Linton said 60% of respondents agree Centre Wellington is a great place to live, and only 3% of respondents believed the area was not a great a place to visit.

However when it came to transportation and roads, less than 30% agreed Centre Wellington had a good system, while over 70% disagreed.

Over 90% believe there are good recreation facilities in the township and 96% believe the area has good emergency services, said Linton.

He noted more information will be available during the township’s strategic planning session.

He also said he looked forward into moving into more of a community consultation process.
