CAMBRIDGE - The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) will be maintaining limited access at a number of conservation areas this winter; however, restrictions will remain in place to help protect staff, watershed communities and reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Town of Erin launches new wastewater website
ERIN – The Town of Erin has launched a new website dedicated to its wastewater project, to…
Survivor fundraiser supported Big Brothers Big Sisters of Centre Wellington
Fundraiser – Fergus’ Motion Electric Contracting raised $11,280 for Big Brothers Big…
New Horizons Band finds ways to play together despite COVID-19
GUELPH – “I am enjoying playing music online so much more than I thought I would,” said…
Art Gallery of Guelph announces 2021 Middlebrook Prize for Young Canadian Curators call for submissions
GUELPH – The Art Gallery of Guelph (AGG) is asking for submissions for the 2021 Middlebrook…
GYMC now offering music for children with disabilities online
GUELPH – The Guelph Youth Music Centre (GYMC) is taking the Music for Children with…
Township seeking input on development charge background study
CENTRE WELLINGTON – The township is updating its Development Charges Background Study and Bylaw and is seeking community input.
Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington helps local families shine bright during hard year
GUELPH - This year has been difficult to say the least, and the Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington has seen some of the difficult impacts this global pandemic has had on local children and youth.
Businesses in SEDC area eligible for Business Resurgence Program
NEUSDAT – The Saugeen Economic Development Corporation announced Dec. 15 that businesses…
Halwell Mutual donates $100,00 to charities in Ontario
GUELPH – Through its Halwell Hope initiative, Halwell Mutual is donating $100,000 to…
OMAFRA Report: Ministry, farmer organizations complete annual Ontario corn ear mould and DON mycotoxin survey
A weekly report prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs…
OFA Commentary: OFA reflects on a year to remember
2020 has been a whirlwind year for Ontario agriculture. As farm business owners, we had to be…
Grand River Agricultural Society, RH Accelerator support innovative agriculture and food companies through impact investments
ELORA - The Grand River Agricultural Society (GRAS) and RH Accelerator Inc. are working together to co-invest in support of local early stage innovative companies in the agriculture, food and cleantech industries.
Hillside Festival wins Setting the Stage Award
GUELPH – Hillside Festival has won Folk Music Ontario’s Setting the Stage Award, tying with…
Canadian experts guide local data trust pilot
GUELPH - The Guelph-Wellington Smart Cities initiative has launched two new data-focused Our Food Future projects: the Food Future Data Hub and a Data Utility Advisory Committee.