DRAYTON – For the first time since the Second World War, the Drayton Fair has been cancelled.
“We will be putting all of our efforts into the 2021 fair,” president John Klaassen announced to the Drayton Mapleton Agricultural Society’s board of directors during a virtual meeting on May 11.
The board voted unanimously to hold off on the popular summer event, originally scheduled for Aug. 7 to 9, citing the importance of maintaining safety for fair goers, volunteers, vendors, participants and judges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Board members emphasized the importance of following provincial health guidelines, which not only includes cancellation of the fair, but also precludes the society’s buildings and facilities from being available for rent until further notice.
This includes the cancellation of the well-attended “Campin and Jammin” weekend in August.
Treasurer Arlie Zantinge offered a sincere thank you to all of the fair’s sponsors and donors, and stated that any money collected for this year will be held over for the 2021 fair.
Questions or concerns regarding sponsorship can be directed to Zantinge at draytonfair@hotmail.com or 519-638-3323.
In the meantime, organizers are continuing to meet virtually to discuss new ideas for the 2021 fair, slated for the second weekend of August.
– Submitted by Sue Hogenkamp

Photo by Sue Hogenkamp