Two budgets on hold

Discussion on Well­ington North’s 2008 water and sewer budgets are on hold for now.

Mayor Mike Broomhead had a number of questions, but water and sewer committee chairman John Matusinec was absent. Broomhead noted other official were at the meeting either to respond to the impact of the changes.

Finance committee chairman Ross Chaulk, did not believe a wait of a few week would hurt.

“We’re halfway through the year anyway.”

Broomhead asked what council’s decision would be.

Councillor Dan Yake considered it unlikely additional information would be gained by waiting.

“But if you have questions, it would be easier if they were here.”

Broomhead said he saw shifts in some of the water and sewer accounts and simply wanted to know the projections and potential impact.

Approval of the budgets was deferred.

