Town rejects taxi bylaw

After deferring the matter several times, Erin council has decided to opt out of the county’s proposed taxi-bylaw, making it the only municipality in the county to do so.

Clerk Kathryn Ironmonger had suggested the town ask the Police Services Board to lower proposed fees from $150 for licence plates and $60 for drivers to $75 and $35 respectively.

Ironmonger explained the town’s position during a recent meeting with Michael Wood, Chief Administrative Officer of Centre Wellington Township and chairman of the bylaw committee, Warden Joanne Ross-Zuj and county councillor Lynda White, county liaison for the Police Services Board.

But Erin councillors still seem dissatisfied with the lower fee structure.

“This makes it more palpable, but it doesn’t go far enough to make it agreeable,” said councillor John Brennan.

Councillor Ken Chapman agreed, reiterating past comments that for many town residents, taxis are a vital form of transportation, so he is opposed to anything that would deter cab companies from operating in Erin.

When it came time for a vote, every councillor except Mayor Rod Finnie voted in favour of opting out of the proposed taxi bylaw.

