Strong Canadian dollar may reduce costs of sewage plant

Coun­cillors here hope the strong Canadian dollar may re­duce costs of the new sewage treatment plant in Mount Forest.
In a report to council, Works Director Gary William­son reported the work is proceeding well. The plant will include a basic automated receiving system for the township septage, and the works department is investigating different types of security systems to also be included. The security system will need to be compatible with the SCADA system for monitoring purposes.
The report to council is that those system costs can be covered within the contingency allowances.
Councillor Dan Yaks said the buildings are coming along, with progress being helped by the good weather.
Mayor Mike Broomhead noted work at the treatment plant and the Sportsplex are both under budget so far.
Yake said one good part of construction at the plant is that original pre-construction bids made last year were based on a higher American dollar.
“The U.S. dollar is quite different now, and we are expecting to see some credits,” Yake said.
Mount Forest Sportsplex
Yake said more of the steel structure is going up each day, and, “The building is really starting to take shape.”
It should continue to make good progress over the next few months, he added.
Arthur disposal plant
In the report regarding the Arthur disposal plant, council noted that when the new gas line was recently installed by Union Gas, the air line from the main building to the aeration tanks was leaking.
The Ontario Clean Water Ag­ency (OCWA), which runs the plant, obtained bids for and has ordered the material (approximately $4,200) and is finding a contractor to replace the line. The work must be completed before the gas line can be connected to the main building.
