The investment community is searching constantly for “the answer” on how to be…
Sin city
Look out Sin City. The Carpenter will be landing any minute now and he is unsupervised. Worse, he…
Generation gap
“We gotta put shoes on Willie, We gotta get ‘em on somehow. It took his uncles and…
Summer of 1936 set new records for heat in Wellington County
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
The new power centre
Formerly of course the chief executive of a corporation was the leading spokesperson, always in the…
My mentor
The country was in crisis. The Referendum was looming. The daily news was electric and for once, it…
Great Lakes
We in Ontario have been blessed in so many ways that we sometimes overlook how fortunate we truly…
Connect the dots
It was one of those early morning days that I chose to do my triple ‘S’ in the…
It’s all about staying connected.
The whole point of technology is to keep people connected and engaged with the world around them,…
Open and transparent?
Last fall, the Liberals campaigned on a promise of openness and transparency. They promised to…
Hot, dry summer of 1936 spurred conservation measures
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
A reality check
With tens of thousands refugees-immigrants coming to Canada this year concerns have been expressed…
Summer not over
Please stop saying summer is almost over. It’s not. There is plenty of summer ahead, okay, so…
Digital pantomime
Contrary to the grandfather clock that once stood in the hall and talked to you by signifying each…
Bleak prospect
No one has been able to consistently predict the course of the stock market. However, one…