Once upon a time, I was a dedicated Toronto Maple Leaf fan. Stop laughing, you (insert team name…
Palmerstons Imperial Hotel was an architectural gem
Through fire and demolition, Palmerston has lost a large portion of its 19th century commercial and…
That major imbalance
Long ago, U.S. President Eisenhower warned his nation about the dangers stemming from the…
The kids are alright
I could not have predicted my first thought that morning would be how to dispose of a body. What a…
The Farm Front
Things have been rather exciting on the farm front. The beautiful new barn that replaced the huge…
A new beginning
A new year, a new decade, and a chance at a new beginning; 2011 will be a year of decision. …
1921 jail breaks were bad ideas for three men
Back in the summer of 1921 three young men got to know one another as inmates at the Ontario…
The Boomerang Generation
The boomerang, a remarkable invention, returns thrown objects back to their originators. Hence, it…
The Force
I married the Carpenter because he is the ying to my yang (that sounds inappropriate), the white to…
Groundhog Day
I just can’t quite believe it. Even though the huge tractor-size snowblowers have cleared the…
Four men changed pleas in 1921 attack on jailor
Note: This is the second part of the story of Sam McArdle, Joseph Hobson and John…
Creatures of habit
People pretty much are creatures of habit. Inasmuch as they are set in an unvarying routine, this…
Viva Las Vegas
My chance of lifetime came wrapped up as a four-day fully loaded girls-only trip to Las Vegas. No…
Time flies, leaving me doubting the fact that spring is getting closer only one day at a time. In…
Ratepayers supported scheme for electric railways in 1920
Recent announcements by GO Transit to extend train service through the southern portion of…