With this column, another year comes to a close and a new year is thrust upon us. As I have been…
Canadas Emergency Measures Organization
One of the products of the Cold War of the 1950s was the creation of Canada’s Emergency…
A supercycle
Why is our economy behaving so differently this time? Ordinarily, after a business contraction…
Here we go again
Christmas 2010 came, it went. I am not sad that the Christmas tree came down. I do not miss…
Water, water, everywhere
In a past week, from below the 49th parallel, came an e-mail stating, “Major congratulations…
Maryborough native had distinguished career in U.S.
Another name to add to the list of Wellington natives who achieved distinction elsewhere is that of…
Greatly improved
Charles Dickens’ novel, Oliver Twist, vividly described the deplorable treatment of workers,…
The year 2011 is already here and we have now gestated half of the first month. Which leads to the…
Wendel Clark & me
Once upon a time, I was a dedicated Toronto Maple Leaf fan. Stop laughing, you (insert team name…
Palmerstons Imperial Hotel was an architectural gem
Through fire and demolition, Palmerston has lost a large portion of its 19th century commercial and…
That major imbalance
Long ago, U.S. President Eisenhower warned his nation about the dangers stemming from the…
The kids are alright
I could not have predicted my first thought that morning would be how to dispose of a body. What a…
The Farm Front
Things have been rather exciting on the farm front. The beautiful new barn that replaced the huge…
A new beginning
A new year, a new decade, and a chance at a new beginning; 2011 will be a year of decision. …
1921 jail breaks were bad ideas for three men
Back in the summer of 1921 three young men got to know one another as inmates at the Ontario…