My column last month focused on the Dalton McGuinty Liberals’ new Harmonized Sales Tax,…
North Americans are intoxicated by debt
Treating an inebriated alcoholic with another drink is known to be counter- productive. Yet even…
A tale of two landlords
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. It was the era of rent controls; it was the…
Playing with fire
Bonfires are a favourite thing of summer. There is something mesmerizing about staring at a…
Words in my memory
Sent to me through the magic of email from a friend of mine who answers to the name of Bart, was a…
A major blaze threatened downtown Fergus in 1953
On the evening of June 3, 1953, the members of the Fergus chapter of the Orange Lodge ended…
Financial institutions demonstrated outrageous behaviour
If you had to pick something that marked the turning point for the financial community, you…
Putting up with put-downs
The family gene pool has blessed Jill, my sister’s daughter, with a quick wit and a slightly…
Songs of summer
The songs of summer are as essential to this season as the smell of sunscreen and the feel of sand…
Betwixt and between
Because I am in the middle of moving from urban to rural, with the distance consuming a great part…
Mount Forest hosted major Jubilee festivities in 1897
No one living can remember the reign of Queen Victoria, but she still casts a long shadow…
Summer nights
It was a beautiful summer night. The sun was setting, with the moon already bright and full in the…
Squabbling among Irishmen escalated to a murder in 1847
Unlike some parts of Ontario, Wellington County was largely spared the violence that came to Canada…
Education for business
So ignorant and lacking in training are many recruits to the Canadian workforce that many business…
Often we mirror our parents
I grew up in a town served by one protestant church and one catholic church. We all attended the…