I have just come in from wandering around my garden. It is only about 6:10am and the shadows of…
Training session for 30th Battalion lasted 16 days in 1871
Last week’s column described the first week of the 1871 training encampment of…
The great ‘unknown unknown’ explains the market chaos
What basically has gone so amiss in the housing market? Of course, primarily it was the rapid and…
The gift of encouragement
William Arthur Ward said, "Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not…
The first big breath of fresh air that our environment has seen in a long time is the collapse of…
Fergus natives formed social group in Toronto in 1890s
Thousands of people who grew up in Wellington County moved elsewhere in adulthood. Stories of some…
A fantasy world
Today most believe that banks should be the bedrock of Canadians’ portfolios. People assume…
Canada Day
Canada Day comes and Canada Day goes. It slips up on most of us and passes long before we realize…
Train robbers received three year sentences in 1908
The North American economy suffered a major and sudden downturn in the summer of…
The same old errors in economic policies are being repeated once again
Even though it has not worked in the past, we are repeating over and over the policy that has led…
A worthy award
Louis Nizer said: A beautiful lady is an accident of nature. A beautiful old lady is a work of art.…
West Grey II
Oh. What a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to deceive. These way back words,…
Fergus constable was tried for assault in 1894
Policing in small towns during much of the 19th century left much to be desired, at least from the…
Fixing the economy
Current proposals for reviving our economy are steps in the right direction, but they need to be…
Chaos theory and destiny
Early childhood memories have been playing through my mind like 30-second random bursts of video.…