Recently I have been scooting here and there, all over the countryside, doing many little things…
Opportunities to slap corporate names on public and private buildings
After a theatre chain displayed Scotiabank signs on the front of its buildings, other theatres…
Praising deserving women
You all read or saw media reports about Kimberly Munley, who shot the Fort Hood gunman. Mighty…
1918 influenza epidemic struck all corners of the county
Last week’s column described the appearance of Spanish influenza in the…
What’s important?
Those over 50 years of age, the so-called “zoomers,” are now assuming leadership in the…
Grant me patience Lord – but hurry
I’m sure I spend at least half of my life waiting. Last week, Anna and I sat in the examining…
Every year along about the first scattering of snowflakes in the foremost weeks of November, I have…
Spanish Flu persisted in Wellington well into 1919
My two most recent columns described the initial impact of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic…
A wise father knows his child
I recently read a column entitled “Dad and the Thingamadodger” in Servant magazine…
Writing life: A question of sanity
Boy, have we got lots to talk about. Welcome to my column, Write Out of Her Mind. As you get to…
Question period
Bah. Humbug. When they are attempting to take Merry Christmas away from the hearts of those in this…
County took over the Guelph to Erin road in 1864
Everyone is aware that our road system today is divided among three jurisdictions – local…
There is, as so often the case, a great deal of misinformation about economic (and political)…
Look back to see ahead
I often sit in my big green chair and watch children leaving the J.D. Hogarth Public School. The…
The dreaded spousal Christmas party
I cannot be the only person who dreads attending her spouse’s company Christmas party.…