Kids today are fat – and getting fatter than ever before. There is no longer a kind way to…
Clear air at business
Odour issues seem to be plaguing All Treat Farm Ltd. Councillor Dan Yake said smell seems to be a…
OMAF Report
A weekly press release prepared by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural…
Community discussions to frame future of arts centre
It's a community endeavour expected to change how the financially-strapped Elora Centre for the…
Great War to be remembered in multi-media tribute
The 100th anniversary of the First World War will be marked in a powerful multi-media tribute to…
Who”s Gonna Fill Their Shoes?
We were plowing off Watson Road in Guelph, just south of the dump, decades ago now. Six cylinders…
Consultant explains why Ospringe still preferred transfer site
by guelph – County councillors heard a full report on the site selection process for a…
Citizens being urged to celebrate In Motion Week Oct. 3 to 9
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph In Motion is celebrating its second annual In Motion Week to…
City of Guelph Water Supply Master Plan Update
The City of Guelph is updating its Council-approved Water Supply Master Plan to define how it will…
Council satisfied planner had no conflict with fill bylaw
Councillors here are satisfied that its town planner had no conflict of interest with the town's…
Club welcomes veteran to speak on animals in war
When veterans tell war stories, audiences expect to hear tales of heroism, loss and victory. What…
Grader upgrade too much for council
Guelph Eramosa council has decided to scrap its lone grader after receiving a report of an…
Health, wellness fair to benefit kids
Officials are hoping a local event will get kids on the write track. A mini health and wellness…
About 2,000 pigs dead after barn floor collapse on Guelph-Eramosa farm
Provincial environment and agriculture officials remained on scene for at least a week to assist in…
They’re off
Sunny skies dominated Arthur as the bucketload of ducks hits the water at the Arthur Lions Duck…