Council here opposes an official plan amendment that would have allowed the creation of apartments…
OPP warns of night time parking restrictions
It is the time of the season for snowfall to begin, and for the OPP to begin to enforce…
Businesses upset with BIA expansion plans; officials will change it
Officials have agreed to rescind their original proposal to expand the Erin Village BIA, but that…
Wellington 4-H holds battery fundraiser
Every year the Wellington County 4-H Association holds various fundraisers in an effort to support…
Major upgrades planned for Frederick Street
Wellington North Works Superintendent Gary Williamson says major upgrades are…
On election day
As the results pour in on one of the most boring elections in recent memory, we will be crossing…
Street racing crimes
A few short months ago a neighbour, in the rural sense of the word, sent in an obituary for his…
WEB ONLY: First annual Riverfest draws crowd of 800
The old school house was rocking to a Celtic beat as the Elora Centre for the Arts hosted the first…
PMD Arena expansion celebrated
When it comes to getting new dressing rooms, residents of Mapleton Township were ready to pull out…
Municipal board adjourns boundary hearing after three days of testimony
A battle between a resident and Centre Wellington council over council…
Rothsay business seeks expansion; barn construction to go with woodworking shop
A business located just outside Rothsay is one step closer to a proposed expansion, despite some…
Gravel pit hearings could last five weeks
Centre Wellington residents could have a huge opportunity to sit through Ontario…
Committee wants to offer more services to northern cancer patients
A local group from this township wants to be more than just a driving force when it comes to…
Travelling in the Orient
Pretty much a day was spent getting home from China last weekend. The plane took off at 1…
4-H Ontario office reopens
It’s a partnership that continues to grow … in a good way. On Sept. 9, 4-H Ontario with…