New lecture series set for McCrae House

Guelph Muse­ums has announced a new lec­ture ser­ies to take place at McCrae House this winter in partner­ship with the Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Dis­arma­ment Studies in Waterloo.
1917-1918:   Looking Back on the Decisive Years of World War One after Ninety Years will consist of three lectures featuring the latest academic re­search being done on World War I and the years 1917-18.  The series features speakers passionate about their research and about what people can learn from that time that was pivotal in Canada’s history.
The first lecture is The Hundred Days: Ordinary Sol­d­iers in the 1918 Victory Offen­sives, by Andrew Iarocci, from the Canadian War Museum. It will take place on will take place on Jan. 24.
The second lecture is Robert Borden, Arthur Currie and Canada’s War 1916-1918 by Terry Copp, of Wilfrid Laur­ier University; it will take place on Feb. 21.
The final lecture is  Cana­dians and the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918: Myths and Reality, by Mark Humphries, University of Western Ontario, and it will take place on March 27. All lectures will start at 7:30pm and are offered at no charge.
McCrae House is located at 108 Water Street.  For further in­formation please contact Kath­erine McCracken, Direc­tor, Guelph Museums, at 519-836-1221 extension 2775.
