On Feb. 11 at about 2:33am there was an attempted break-in at Grech Outdoors Gunsmithing Store on…
Wellington North
Council awards $1.48-million James Street reconstruction tender
Wellington North council has awarded a contract for the James Street reconstruction project in…
Pansy sales
Mary McLellan-Beck, Ellie Rae, Anna Rae and Hazel McGuire were selling pansies at the Mount…
Wellington North Showcase
Many businesses attended the Wellington North Showcase at the Mount Forest and District Sports…
Municipal Hockey Tournament
The seventh annual Municipal Hockey Tournament was held at the Mount Forest Sportsplex on April 1…
Wellington North council accepts gift of Lynes Blacksmith Shop in Kenilworth
The crowd in the packed municipal chamber here erupted into applause when Wellington North council…
Break-in, theft
On March 24 Wellington County OPP received a report of a break-in and theft sometime between 2:30…
Wellington North councillors receive $93,500
Wellington North councillors were paid over $93,500 in remuneration and expenses in…
Municipal office in Kenilworth to receive $214,000 facelift
Wellington North's municipal office in Kenilworth is going to be renovated in 2017 at a cost of…
Tourism manager and analyst resign
Wellington North is losing two staff members this month after tourism, marketing and promotion…