PUSLINCH – Public health officials have declared a COVID-19 outbreak at Morriston Park Nursing Home here. A Dec. 15 update on the public health website stated there is one staff case at the home.
Wellington County
Loss of CLGW day programs leaves participants, families ‘devastated’
MINTO – The closure of day programs at Community Living Guelph-Wellington (CLGW) facilities across the region has had some pretty direct impacts for Palmerston area resident Rebecca Devries.
Most churches doing something different for Christmas services
WELLINGTON COUNTY – For those wondering how to do church this Christmas, it’s best to check…
COVID-19 outbreak declared at Wellington Terrace in Aboyne
ABOYNE – In a Dec. 15 press release, Wellington County, which operates the facility, noted two areas of the home - the Birch and Cedar "neighbourhoods" - are now under outbreak protocols.
Over 100 cases of COVID-19 reported over weekend in WDGPH region
WELLINGTON COUNTY – The latest weekend report from public health shows a 23% weekly increase in active COVID-19 cases, while the number hospitalized with the virus is up from 11 to 16.
COVID-19 outbreak declared at Caressant Care in Arthur
ARTHUR – Public health officials have declared a COVID-19 outbreak at the Caressant Care Long-Term Care facility in Arthur.
Outbreak protocols in place at Wellington Terrace after inconclusive COVID-19 test
ABOYNE – Eleven residents are in isolation at the Wellington Terrace Long-Term Care Home pending a second COVID-19 test result of an employee whose first test came back inconclusive.
Warden’s advisory committee approves committee appointments
WELLINGTON COUNTY - Appointments to 2021-2022 standing committees of Wellington County council were approved at a meeting of the Warden’s Advisory Committee on Dec. 11.
Kerry Halliday named an UGDSB ‘Everyday Hero’
GUELPH – Kerry Halliday has received a 2019-20 Everyday Hero award from the Upper Grand District School Board.
Public health: 31 employees at Cargill Guelph have tested positive for COVID-19
GUELPH – Some 31 employees at Cargill Canada’s meat processing plant on Dunlop Drive in Guelph have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past two weeks and on Dec. 8, 80 employees were sent home to get tested and await the results.