WELLINGTON COUNTY – A program launched by local paramedics in 2016 to monitor patients with chronic diseases in their homes, is helping to fill a gap in staffing at Caressant Care in Arthur as COVID-19 is spreading through the facility.
Wellington County
Seventh Wellington County resident has died of COVID-19
WELLINGTON COUNTY – An 89-year-old man from Centre Wellington, a long-term care resident at Caressant Care Arthur since 2019, got sick on Dec. 26 and passed away on Jan. 5 from the virus.
Twenty charged by OPP during annual Festive RIDE campaign
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Officials say the local campaign, which ran from Nov. 26 to Jan. 2, led all West Region OPP jurisdictions in alcohol-related driving charges.
Online-only learning extended to Jan. 25 at all Ontario elementary schools
WELLINGTON COUNTY – About one hour after the local health unit instructed all schools in the region to continue with online-only learning until at least Jan. 24, the province mandated the two-week extension across Ontario.
Bridge hails arrival of vaccines in region as promising sign
MINTO – Mayor George Bridge hailed the arrival of COVID-19 vaccine in the region as a step toward eventually controlling the ongoing pandemic.
Local women start ‘Share your Silver Lining’ social media campaign
FERGUS - Enough with the negative, say Claire Knight and Jenn Price. It’s time we all take a look at our lives during COVID-19 and find the positive.
Last chance for high school students at Upper Grand to change mode of learning
GUELPH, Ontario – The Upper Grand District School Board is providing secondary students with a…
Families who struggled in ‘before times’ are really struggling now
GUELPH – COVID-19 has thrown families into turmoil, children in front of screens, and is raising concerns at local agencies that there is greater risk for family violence and mental health impacts for all ages, according to a recent study.
Waste depot on the move
ELORA – The County of Wellington Mobile Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Depot is moving from…
Families enjoyed tobogganing at the Wellington County Museum and Archives
Tobogganing fun – Last weekend’s snow made for great tobogganing runs at the Wellington…