TORONTO – The Ontario government has extended the current state of emergency until Feb. 9. The announcement was buried at the end of a Jan. 25 press release about adjustments to the province's vaccination plan.
Wellington County
St. James Social Justice Club plans mental health events this week
GUELPH – The St. James Catholic High School Social Justice Club has turned its focus on providing the St. James community with support to help boost mental health and wellbeing.
North Wellington long-term care facilities receive provincial COVID-19 funding
WELLINGTON COUNTY – The province is providing $424,000 in funding to help long-term care homes in northern Wellington cope with the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Public health reporting 149 COVID-19 cases over weekend
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Public health is reporting 149 new COVID-19 cases in the region over the weekend (Jan. 22 to 24) and the 15th COVID-related death in Wellington County.
Libraries to celebrate Family Literacy Day virtually on Jan. 27
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Wellington County libraries will be celebrating Family Literacy Day virtually this year and they invite families to take part on Jan. 27.
School boards: return to school will be delayed until Feb. 11 ‘at the earliest’
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Public health has extended virtual learning until Feb. 1, but school boards here say the return to class could be delayed up to an additional two weeks.
Wellington County launches roads master action plan
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Local residents now have a chance to provide input into Wellington County’s new Roads Master Action Plan (RMAP).
With school trips cancelled some local farmers offer virtual farm visits
WELLINGTON NORTH - In the absence of school trips due to the pandemic, two area farms are offering virtual trips so children can learn about farming and where their food comes from.
MPP calls for resources as eight deaths now reported at Caressant Care Arthur
ARTHUR – Public health hasn't reported a new COVID-19 case at Caressant Care Arthur in two days, but there has been a sixth COVID-related death at the facility.
Guelph-Wellington paramedics helping with COVID-19 vaccinations
WELLINGTON COUNTY –Local paramedics are helping to administer COVID-19 vaccines to recipients across the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) region.