National Tree Day was celebrated with family and friends of Ruth and Sheldon Wolfe on Sept. 29 at…
Drumming workshop
John Somosi of Hanover-based native culture promoters Sky Buffalo presented a workshop on native…
Bonfire ballad
An apple orchard tour and pie-making demonstration at the Palmerston area home of David and Jean…
Minto Fire plans Spook-tacular party
Minto Fire is bringing Spiderman and the Black Widow to the Norgan Theatre for a community meet and…
Terry Fox Run
Students from Norwell District Secondary School participated in the school's annual Terry Fox Run…
Arena season opener and homemade burgers in Clifford on Oct. 14
Members of the Clifford Recreation Association (CRA) invite area residents to skate and partake of…
A DivisionChamps
The Outkasts were the A Division champions of the Mapleton Ladies Slo-pitch playoff tournament on…
Minto tops $20-million mark in year-to-date building
The value of building construction in Minto to the end of August was nearly double the amount at…
Hang glider accident
On Sept. 24 at about 4:40pm emergency crews responded to a report of a man injured in a hang glider…
81″s take hockey hiatus
The Mapleton-Minto 81's will take a one-year hiatus from the WOAA Senior "AA' Hockey League. The…