"Good games, good company, and good food. What more would you want?" one euchre player and visitor…
4-H alive and well in Mapleton
4-H is alive and well in Mapleton…
Therapy dog program provides comfort, companionship for participants, volunteers
The Seniors Centre For Excellence congregate dining program on Sept. 4 in Drayton featured three…
Floradale, Listowel winners in local hockey action
Drayton outscores Missionary in church league…
Work underway on maintenance facility
Council has approved a second round of tenders for portions of the work to construct a new…
Masons install Green as Grand Master
John Green was recently elected and installed as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free…
Father/ daughter team hit streets for Terry Fox Run
Matt Ottens, who is currently battling Hodgkin's lymphoma, ran with two-year-old daughter Lila in…
Institute members attend Tribute Tea
Alma Women's Institute members were guests of the Wellington County Library at a Tribute Tea held…
Cancer fighters
On Sept. 12, this group, including 10 present or former residents of Mapleton, joined 4,500 other…
Mayor wants discussion on proposal to amalgamate Wellington hospital boards
Council here has directed staff to prepare a report on local hospital amalgamation…